13 Jun 2020, 11:23

@z3dev Yes, I'm using the dark theme (even if it's not working now). I'm on a 4K screen and V2 runs nicely. I drag & drop my project folder to run it, it always work (on 2K resolution, lots of time it shows the folder contend instead of running it). But after some drags & drops, the parameters window disappear.
(capture of 4K screen)
0_1592046797504_Capture d’écran de 2020-06-13 13-13-02.png

I'll try to run npm run docs to update the docs.

I'm trying to code my 2 axis interlock slicer on v2, but there are some troubles with my 3d->2d projection code with complex models, so I'm digging the code looking for anything that could help on projection, outline.