Jscad.app prototype desktop app
For those interested in desktop app.
Here is initial draft version built with neutralino
https://3d.hrg.hr/jscad/desktop/draft1/the desktop app is just wrapped jscad.app there is currently no specific customizations in it to enhance desktop experience.
it should work well if your OS web view is chrome (I did not implement FS access through neuralino yet)to run it, download both: executable for your OS, and resources.neu, put them in the sam dir and run
Feedback for different OS is welcome, I only have windows available to test currently.
An application also has shortfalls. There's the problem of documentation as well as upgrades. Applications usually include a huge and often critic user manual. And applications will only receive the latest patches if the user notices and applies the fix. This is why the website is so appealing... it's easy.
@DavidLyon66 this is just a desktop version of the jscad prototype: jscad.app.
openjscad.xyz stared implementing a desktop version, but was abandoned.
Although I can easily use jscad.app or openjscad.xyz in the browser there are benefits of having a desktop version (dedicated button in taskbar).
It could also be just personal preference to have desktop app that reliably works offline (PWA can be great but could break if cache is cleared while offline).
This is more of an attempt to reach more users, as some users consider not having a desktop app a deal-breaker.
@hrgdavor Thanks. I will definitely try it and report back.
I'm wondering if you could clarify "Why do we need this and why should we care?"
Meaning who is it directed at particularly and what reasons about this piece of software compel them to use it instead of choosing other software.
I personally can think of my own reasons but think about presenting your own story.